Welcome to Peel.dk


Old danish electronics manufacturers (radiocommunication, tv/radio, measuring equipment etc):

The idea behind this is to provide as much information on the danish radio and electronics companies as possible. A lot of interesting and valuable materials and information will be lost if wee don't try to preserve it. Please help if you have information, materials, photos, schematics, manuals etc. (pages in danish), send me an email!

Kursus- og undervisningsmateriale, "de røde hæfter", brevkurser m.m.

En sektion med gammelt dansk undervisningsmateriale til elektronik og data. Det er bøger, hæfter, brevkurser i transistorteknik, osv. Der ligger meget historie her som fortjener at blive bevaret - samt utrolig meget særdeles godt materiale som ikke bliver brugt mere. Gå til sektionen.

Bøger og hæfter

Manuals and documentation archive

Archive of all kinds of non-danish manuals, documentation, EPROM bin/hex's, software etc. Typically manuals I have scanned that I couldn't find anywhere else on the net, or scanned in better quality than the normal version found online, or "hard to find" manuals, etc. If you manuals/documentation you want to be added here, please email me!

Q1 Corporation

Q1 was the inventor of the first microcomputers. I have a couple of units and are trying to dig into the history of Q1.
Link to the project here.

Other vintage computers and terminals

My Sperry Univac (Varian) V77 computers

I have two Varian computers from 1977 and a lot of spareparts from the older Varian V620 systems. Sperry Univac bought Varian Data Machines Inc. in 1977. The project is to get the machines up and running and get CRT terminals from the same period.
I have a lot of documentations on the Sperry Univac's and the older Varian systems - this documentation will be available as I get them scanned over time.
Link to Sperry Univac (Varian) V77 project

Teletype machines - teletypecommunication

Information, manuals, pictures, etc. GNT, Olivetti, Siemens......

From my workshop. Electronics repairs, projects, etc.

Just info and some pictures

Photo gallery - all kind of interesting things....

Miscellaneous things...


Aviation: TCAS, DME, transponder, ATE test systems

What is a Transponder? (PDF) What is DME? (PDF) What is TCAS? (PDF)

Sperry ATE 900
Sperry ATE 900

Sperry ATE 9000
Sperry ATE 9000 (PDF)

Copyright Peter Andersen (Peel.dk) - Email: peterandersen@mespilus.dk

My company website PA-Elektronik.dk