Q1 Corporation - the creator of the first microprocessor personal computer

Computers and equipment from Q1 Corporation:

Q1 had three generations of computers as we know of today (june 2024). (Thanks to Karl Wacker, former employer at Q1!)

1. generation:
Q1/LM (Released 11. december 1972)
A 8008 CPU based, single line 89 character display with printer in console,  1-2 single density floppy disks, housed in desk, 16K RAM.

2. generation:
Q1/LMC (Released april 1974 as a preproduction unit for Israely Air Force, first final delivery in august 1974)
A 8080 CPU based, 8 line [?]  37 character/line display, printer in console, 1-4 single density floppy disks, housed in desk, 16K - 48K RAM

3. generation
Q1/Lite (Released in 1976)
Z80 Based, 12 line 40 Character display, optional external printer, 1-4 double density floppy disks ,housed in desk, 16K-48K RAM

Q1/Lite IWS
Z80 based, 12 line 40 Character display, optional external printer, 16-48K RAM. Supported by 307K baud serial link to either a multiplexer built into desk with CPU board with 16-48K RAM, 1-4 double density floppies, and/or 1 or 2  27Mbyte Hard disk drives, which could support 1-32 IWS workstations.

Z80 based, 12 line 40 character display, 1 or 2 double density Mini-floppies, optional internal 80 column dot matrix printer. The Q1/Microlite could also connect to the Multiplexer's 1-4 double density floppy disks/ and or 1 or 2 27Mbyte Hard disk drives or a non-multiplexor desk with 1-4 double density floppies or 1 or 2 27Mbyte Hard disk drives [limited by EPROM space to either one].

......any more?


(under construction....)

Following are pictures of the Q1 Lite IWS:










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